Pink Boots Society and Young Master craft Bloody Women beer to raise awareness of domestic violence against women in Hong Kong.

November 25th is the United Nations (UN)’ International Day for Elimination of Domestic Violence against Women and Pink Boots Society has started a campaign with their ‘Bloody Women‘ craft beer to open a conversation about domestic violence in Hong Kong.

Bloody Women Beer Raises Awareness of Domestic Abuse in Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, studies show that as many of 15% of women, with high potential of many more unreported cases, have suffered from domestic violence. The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic may have had an additional negative impact, global research suggesting that incidents of domestic violence have increased since its initial outbreak.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) research, more than 50% of domestic violence cases involve alcohol, the sole blame for these actions still lying on the perpetrator.

Pink Boots is a group of Hong Kong-based women working in the beer industry, looking to see if alcohol can be part of the solution and start important conversations; in order for domestic violence in Hong Kong to be tackled, it needs to be spoken about.

“The issue of domestic abuse is one that often remains a nasty secret, hidden in the shadows,” explained Pink Boots Chapter Lead Stella Lo. “It’s a shocking statistic that approximately 1 in 7 women in Hong Kong – and perhaps even more than that – have suffered from the trauma of domestic violence. Even more alarmingly statistics indicate that, on a global level, the prevalence of domestic violence could be as high at 1 in 3 women.”

The beer cans’ design tells the stories of women’s experiences of domestic violence, focusing on their journey escaping these abusive situations and healing from them.

Bloody Women beer is inspired by the ‘Bloody Mary’ cocktail and has been lovingly brewed by Pink Boots members in conjunction with Hong Kong-based Young Master Brewery.

“Alcohol is not the cause of domestic abuse, but there is no denying it can be a contributing factor.  We believe that to really tackle the issue of domestic violence against women, we actually need to talk about it openly. And so, we wanted to make alcohol a part of the solution and use it to get people talking about the problem,” Lo added.

Bloody Women Beer Raises Awareness of Domestic Abuse in Hong Kong

Multiple bars and F&B outlets across Hong Kong will launch Bloody Women beer on Thursday featuring the campaign in bar-top promotions.

Hong Kong 4A’s advertising agency DDB Group Hong Kong is leading the marketing campaign, featuring print and online advertisements and curated social media content, developed in close partnership with Omnicom sister digital agency BlueCurrent Hong Kong. The campaign’s design not only raises awareness of the issue, but also directs those in need to the right resources and those who want to help relevant Hong Kong organisations.


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