Everyone loves a good bowl of pho, and every pho lover loves to compare who does it best.
Pho is a type of vietnamese soup that consists of bone broth, rice noodles, spices, and beansprout. Pho was introduced in the late 1880 during the French colonization, since it has the same pronounciation as fire in France (Feu).
Up on Aberdeen Street, just above PMQ is a small Vietnamese restaurant that serves fresh pho, spring rolls, banh mi and other tasty Vietnamese dishes. There’s no guarantee whether Bun Cha Vietnamese will win the battle to become your favorite pho joint, but it is definitely worth a try. Their pho comes with your choice of beef or chicken, thin rice noodles, and of course a hot flavorful bowl of broth. Make sure you add in the basil, chilli, and lime to take it to the next level. You have been warned, this will become a constant craving.
Other must-haves on their menu include their banh mi, fresh spring rolls, and iced coffee. Many go to try the different dishes Bun Cha Vietnamese offers, but end up having pho again as it is simply too good to pass up. Perhaps it would be wise to bring a few friends so that you can order some dishes to share. Try to arrive before 12:30pm for lunch to avoid lines.
Shop 1, G/F, King Ho Building,, Aberdeen St, Sheung Wan
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