Struggling to find ways to reduce your eco-footprint and live a greener life? We’ve got you covered. Here are 5 easy sustainable changes you can make at home. 

In recent years, there has been a global shift towards environmentalism, with more and more people making the switch to a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Although the process might seem daunting to those who are new to sustainable living, it all boils down to small changes in our day-to-day routines. Nowadays, going green is easier than ever – and we’re here to help. We’ve rounded up some simple tips to help you navigate and conquer the everyday challenges of green living. 

Unplug Your Chargers

Avoid using unnecessary energy and save on electricity costs by unplugging appliances that are not in use. Known as ‘energy vampires,’ many electronic devices continue to use electricity even when they’re not turned on and can account for up to 10% of your monthly electricity bill. So, what are you waiting for? Pull the plug and reduce your energy consumption and costs by up to around USD 100 to USD 200 a year.

Insider’s Tip: To streamline the unplugging process, invest in a smart power strip so that you can cut off power from all your devices at once.  

Chargers Sustainable Changes

Ditch the Single-Use Plastic 

It’s predicted that there will be more plastic in our ocean than there are fish by 2050. While it can be challenging to go completely cold turkey on plastic, you can take small steps to minimise your usage. Besides recycling, replacing single-use plastics like cutlery, straws, water bottles and plastic grocery bags with reusable options is an easy way to cut down on plastic consumption. 

Insider’s Tip: Challenge yourself to give up chewing gum! An often forgotten form of single-use plastic, gum is usually made of synthetic rubber and is a contributor to plastic pollution. 

Eat More Vegetarian Meals

Veganism has become increasingly widespread, and for good reason. From land and water consumption to the release of methane gas, animal agriculture has a heavy impact on the environment, contributing up to 24% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Going vegan can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 73%, which could have a significant effect in decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.

Insider’s Tip: If you’re finding it difficult to go completely meatless, try going vegan one day a week. When you do eat meat, be sure to choose sustainably-farmed or low-impact options on other days. 

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Sustainable Changes Vegetarian Meals

Cut Down on Water Usage

Do you often find yourself forgetting to turn off the tap when you’re brushing your teeth, or dawdling in the shower for a few extra minutes? You can live a greener lifestyle by simply cutting down on water consumption. Small steps matter: for instance, it is estimated that an average showerhead uses 2.5 gallons of water per minute. Shortening your shower by one minute can help you save 75 gallons of water every month!

Insider’s Tip: Invest in a low-flow showerhead: not only will you cut down on water usage, but you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you receive your significantly lowered water bill. 

Say No To Fast Fashion

An often neglected part of pollution is the fast fashion industry, which focuses on the rapid, inexpensive production of clothing. Fashion brands often favour low production costs at the expense of the environment and have become the second highest polluter in the world thanks to their use of harmful chemicals, high water consumption and skyrocketing levels of textile waste. Be a part of the solution by investing in ethical brands so as to minimise your environmental impact. 

Insider’s Tip: Want to discover ethical brands that fit your budget and style? Good on You is an app that rates the ethics of clothing brands and offers a comprehensive list of brands that are rated well so that you can make the switch today. 


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